527 Tracker FAQ

Have questions about 527 Tracker. We have answers. If you don't see your question listed here, please email us at info@527tracker.com

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What is 527tracker?

527tracker is your one-stop-shop for finding the most comprehensive information on Super PAC spending shaping the electoral landscape. Our database pulls in the most up-to-date information on expenditures for television, digital, radio, mail, voter contact and more in real-time.

This resource ensures that you have ALL of the information at your fingertips in order to make strategic decisions or to understand the broader political environment.

How can I use 527tracker?

Regardless of your use case, 527 Tracker has valuable insights to meet your objectives. Not only does our database contain all outside expenditures from 527 organizations on television buys, radio, mail, digital ads, and voter contact, but it offers useful analytics and visualizations of the aggregate spend in order to develop a better picture of the landscape as a whole.

Most importantly, 527tracker is able to deliver real-time alerts on new Super PAC spending directly to your inbox. 527tracker allows customized alerts to receive exactly the information needed to understand the current environment and make educated decisions.

For example an alert could be set to:

All spending in the Pennsylvania Senate race.


All Spending in the CA-22 over $10,000 opposing the Republican.


All spending by a certain Super PAC or even a vendor

To start receiving email alerts, sort the dashboard with the preferred filters and click, “Set Alert.” it’s that simple.

What races are outside organizations targeting? Who are their preferred vendors? Who is winning the outside money battle? Find the answers to all of these questions and more inside 527tracker.

How often is the 527tracker updated?

Real-time,making it the most comprehensive, up-to-date resource for monitoring Super PAC spending in every federal race across the country.

How much does 527tracker cost?

527tracker offers two pricing tiers. The first allows you to subscribe to specific races - as many as you like - for $100 per month, per race. Alternatively, the Pro Account account allows you access to the entire 527tracker database, every federal race, with unlimited alerts for $2,500 per month. Learn more here.

Can I try 527tracker for free before paying?

Yes! 527tracker offers a free 7 day trial to explore our database and email reports. Learn more here.

What kind of races can I track with 527tracker?

527tracker offers reports on outside spending for all federal House, Senate and Presidential races.

Can I get email alerts?

Yes! 527 Tracker offers the opportunity to subscribe to real-time email alerts showing new spending for any race in your account.

What are 527 Organizations and what do they need to report?

“527 organization” is more commonly known as a Super PAC.

For more information on Section 527 refer to resources offered by the Internal Revenue Service.